:py:mod:`pylbo.visualisation.eigenfunctions.eigfunc_handler` ============================================================ .. py:module:: pylbo.visualisation.eigenfunctions.eigfunc_handler Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: pylbo.visualisation.eigenfunctions.eigfunc_handler.EigenfunctionHandler .. py:class:: EigenfunctionHandler(data: pylbo.data_containers.LegolasDataContainer, ef_ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, spec_ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes) Bases: :py:obj:`pylbo.visualisation.eigenfunctions.eigfunc_interface.EigenfunctionInterface` Main handler for eigenfunctions. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: update_plot() .. py:method:: _ef_needs_retransform(ef_name: str) -> bool .. py:method:: _get_title(ef_name) Creates the title of the eigenfunction plot. If the eigenfunction is retransformed an 'r' is prepended if appropriate, along with Re/Im depending on the real/imaginary part shown. :param ef_name: The name of the eigenfunction as present in the datfile. :type ef_name: str :returns: **name** -- The 'new' name for the eigenfunction, used as title. :rtype: str .. !! processed by numpydoc !!