Source code for pylbo.automation.runner

import multiprocessing
import os
import signal
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path

import psutil
import tqdm
from pylbo.utilities.logger import pylboLogger
from pylbo.utilities.toolbox import transform_to_list

[docs] def _validate_executable(executable): """ Validates the given executable, then returns it. If the argument passed is None, defaults to the executable in the legolas home directory. Parameters ---------- executable : str, ~os.PathLike The path to the legolas executable to use. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the executable was not found. Returns ------- executable : ~os.PathLike The (resolved) path to the executable to use. """ if executable is None: raise TypeError("No executable was specified.") executable = Path(executable).resolve() if not executable.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Executable was not found: {executable}") return executable
[docs] def _validate_nb_cpus(cpus): """ Validates the number of cpus passed to the multiprocessing pool. Defaults to the maximum available number if exceeded. Parameters ---------- cpus : int The number of cpus to use. Returns ------- cpus : int The number of cpus to use, limited to the maximum number available. """ cpus_available = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if cpus > cpus_available: pylboLogger.warning( f"Requested more than the available number of cpus ({cpus}). " f"Setting nb_cpus to maximum available ({cpus_available})." ) cpus = cpus_available return cpus
[docs] def _validate_parfiles(files): """ Validates a list of parfiles. Parameters ---------- files : (list of) str, (list of) ~os.PathLike Paths to the parfiles. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If one of the parfiles is not found. Returns ------- files_list : list A list of resolved filepaths for the parfiles. """ files_list = transform_to_list(files) files_list = [Path(file).resolve() for file in files_list] for file in files_list: if not file.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Parfile was not found: {file}") return files_list
[docs] class LegolasRunner: """ Handles running legolas. Parameters ---------- parfiles : list, numpy.ndarray A list or array containing the names or paths to the parfiles. remove_parfiles : bool If `True`, removes the parfiles after running Legolas. This will also remove the containing folder if it turns out to be empty after the parfiles are removed. If there are other files still in the folder it remains untouched. nb_cpus : int The number of CPUs to use when running Legolas. If equal to 1 then parallelisation is disabled. Defaults to the maximum number of CPUs available if a number larger than the available number is specified. executable : str, ~os.PathLike The path to the legolas executable. """ def __init__(self, parfiles, remove_parfiles, nb_cpus, executable=None): self.parfiles = _validate_parfiles(parfiles) self.parfile_dir = self.parfiles[0].parent self.executable = _validate_executable(executable) self.nb_cpus = _validate_nb_cpus(nb_cpus) self.remove_parfiles = remove_parfiles"initialising runner, using executable {self.executable}") @staticmethod
[docs] def _init_worker(): """ Worker initialisation for the multiprocessing module. """ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
[docs] def _activate_worker(self, parfile): """ Worker activation for the multiprocessing module. Calls the legolas executable as a subprocess with the parfile as argument. Parameters ---------- parfile : str, ~os.PathLike The path to the parfile Returns ------- call : :func:`` A call to a subprocess to run legolas. """ cmd = [f"./{self.executable.stem}", "-i", str(parfile)] return
[docs] def _terminate_workers(): """ Terminates the multiprocessing workers after a forced interruption. Simply giving an interrupt terminates only the Python processes, but still keeps the Legolas calls running since those are subprocesses. This method first terminates all child processes (legolas), then the parents (workers). """ pylboLogger.error("interrupting processes...") for process in multiprocessing.active_children(): pid = pylboLogger.error(f"terminating PID: {pid} -- {}") parent = psutil.Process(pid) children = parent.children(recursive=True) for child in children: pylboLogger.error( f"terminating child process {} -- {}" ) child.kill() gone, alive = psutil.wait_procs(children, timeout=2) for killed_proc in gone: pylboLogger.error(f"{str(killed_proc)}") parent.kill() parent.wait(timeout=2) pylboLogger.critical("all Legolas processes terminated.") exit(1)
[docs] def execute(self): """ Executes the legolas executables and initialises the multiprocessing pool if requested. """ def update_pbar(*args): pbar.update() # original working directory owd = Path.cwd() # change to parent directory of executable os.chdir(self.executable.parent) # no parallelisation if there is only one parfile if len(self.parfiles) == 1: try:"running legolas...") self._activate_worker(*self.parfiles) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._terminate_workers() exit(1) else: # initialise progressbar and multiprocessing pool pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(self.parfiles), unit="") pbar.set_description(f"running legolas [{self.nb_cpus} CPUS]") pool = multiprocessing.Pool( processes=self.nb_cpus, initializer=self._init_worker ) try: for parfile in self.parfiles: pool.apply_async( self._activate_worker, args=(parfile,), callback=update_pbar ) pool.close() pool.join() pbar.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: pbar.set_description("INTERRUPTED") pbar.update(len(self.parfiles)) pbar.close() self._terminate_workers() pool.terminate() pool.join() return"all runs completed") # change back to the original directory os.chdir(owd) # if requested, remove parfiles if self.remove_parfiles: for file in self.parfiles: os.remove(file)"parfiles removed.") # if directory is empty, also remove it try: Path.rmdir(self.parfile_dir) f"parfile containing folder '{self.parfile_dir}' " f"was empty and is also removed." ) except OSError: pass