Source code for pylbo.data_containers

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Union

import numpy as np
from pylbo._version import VersionHandler
from pylbo.exceptions import (
from pylbo.utilities.datfiles.file_reader import LegolasFileReader
from pylbo.utilities.logger import pylboLogger
from pylbo.utilities.toolbox import (
from pylbo.visualisation.continua import calculate_continua

[docs] def ensure_dataset(data: any) -> None: """Ensures that the given data is a :class:`LegolasDataSet`.""" if not isinstance(data, LegolasDataSet): raise TypeError(f"expected a LegolasDataSet, got {type(data)}")
[docs] def ensure_dataseries(data: any) -> None: """Ensures that the given data is a :class:`LegolasDataSeries`.""" if not isinstance(data, LegolasDataSeries): raise TypeError(f"expected a LegolasDataSeries, got {type(data)}")
[docs] class LegolasDataContainer(ABC): """ Baseclass for a Legolas data container. """ @abstractmethod
[docs] def continua(self): pass
[docs] def parameters(self): pass
[docs] def has_efs(self): pass
[docs] def ef_grid(self): pass
[docs] def ef_names(self): pass
[docs] def has_background(self): pass
[docs] def has_derived_efs(self): pass
[docs] def derived_ef_names(self): pass
[docs] def has_ef_subset(self): pass
[docs] def has_matrices(self): pass
[docs] def has_eigenvectors(self): pass
[docs] def has_residuals(self): pass
[docs] def get_sound_speed(self, which_values=None): pass
[docs] def get_alfven_speed(self, which_values=None): pass
[docs] def get_tube_speed(self, which_values=None): pass
[docs] def get_reynolds_nb(self, which_values=None): pass
[docs] def get_magnetic_reynolds_nb(self, which_values=None): pass
[docs] def get_k0_squared(self): pass
[docs] class LegolasDataSet(LegolasDataContainer): """ Main container for a single Legolas dataset. Parameters ---------- datfile : str, ~os.PathLike Path to the datfile. Attributes ---------- header : dict The datfile header. grid : numpy.ndarray The base grid. grid_gauss : numpy.ndarray The Gaussian grid. equilibria : dict Dictionary containing the equilibrium arrays. eigenvalues : numpy.ndarray Array containing the complex eigenvalues. geometry : str The geometry. scale_factor : numpy.ndarray Array with the scale factor. One for Cartesian geometries, r for cylindrical. x_start : float Start of the grid. x_end : float End of the grid gridpoints : int The number of base gridpoints. gauss_gridpoints : int The number of Gaussian gridpoints. matrix_gridpoints : int The dimension of the matrix. ef_gridpoints : int The number of eigenfunction gridpoints. gamma : float The ratio of specific heats. eq_type : str The type of equilibrium selected. cgs : bool If `True`, all units are in cgs. units : dict Dictionary containing the unit normalisations. eq_names : numpy.ndarray Array containing the names of the equilibrium arrays. """ def __init__(self, datfile):
[docs] self.datfile = Path(datfile)
[docs] self.filereader = LegolasFileReader(self.datfile)
[docs] self.header = self.filereader.get_header()
[docs] self.grid = self.filereader.read_grid(self.header)
[docs] self.grid_gauss = self.filereader.read_gaussian_grid(self.header)
[docs] self.equilibria = self.filereader.read_equilibrium_arrays(self.header)
[docs] self.eigenvalues = self.filereader.read_eigenvalues(self.header)
[docs] self.geometry = self.header["geometry"]
if self.geometry == "Cartesian": self.scale_factor = np.ones_like(self.grid_gauss) self.d_scale_factor = np.zeros_like(self.grid_gauss) pylboLogger.debug("dataset: scale factor set to unity.") else: self.scale_factor = self.grid_gauss self.d_scale_factor = np.ones_like(self.grid_gauss) pylboLogger.debug("dataset: scale factor set to radial coordinate.")
[docs] self.x_start = self.header["x_start"]
[docs] self.x_end = self.header["x_end"]
[docs] self.gridpoints = self.header["gridpoints"]
[docs] self.gauss_gridpoints = self.header["gauss_gridpoints"]
[docs] self.ef_gridpoints = self.header["ef_gridpoints"]
[docs] self.gamma = self.header["gamma"]
[docs] self.eq_type = self.header["eq_type"]
[docs] self._parameters = self.header["parameters"]
[docs] self.units = self.header["units"]
[docs] self.cgs = self.units["cgs"]
[docs] self.eq_names = self.header["equilibrium_names"]
[docs] self._continua = calculate_continua(self)
def __iter__(self): yield self @property
[docs] def legolas_version(self) -> VersionHandler: return self.filereader.legolas_version
[docs] def k2_str(self) -> str: """Returns the :math:`k_2` string.""" return "$k_y$" if self.geometry.lower() == "cartesian" else "$m$"
[docs] def k3_str(self) -> str: """Returns the :math:`k_3` string.""" return "$k_z$" if self.geometry.lower() == "cartesian" else "$k$"
[docs] def u1_str(self) -> str: """Returns the :math:`u_1` string.""" return "x" if self.geometry.lower() == "cartesian" else "r"
[docs] def u2_str(self) -> str: """Returns the :math:`u_2` string.""" return "y" if self.geometry.lower() == "cartesian" else r"$\theta$"
[docs] def u3_str(self) -> str: """Returns the :math:`u_3` string.""" return "z"
[docs] def continua(self) -> dict: """Returns the continua in a dict with the continua names as keys.""" return self._continua
[docs] def parameters(self) -> dict: """Returns the parameters in a dict with the parameter names as keys""" return self._parameters
[docs] def has_background(self) -> bool: """Returns `True` if background is present.""" return self.header["has_background"]
[docs] def has_efs(self) -> bool: """Returns `True` if eigenfunctions are present.""" return self.header["has_efs"]
[docs] def ef_grid(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the eigenfunction grid, None if eigenfunctions are not present.""" if not self.has_efs: return None if getattr(self, "_ef_grid", None) is None: self._ef_grid = self.filereader.read_ef_grid(self.header) return self._ef_grid
[docs] def ef_names(self) -> np.ndarray: """Retrieves the eigenfunction names, None if eigenfunctions are not present.""" return self.header.get("ef_names", None)
[docs] def has_derived_efs(self) -> bool: """Returns `True` if derived eigenfunctions are present.""" return self.header["has_derived_efs"]
[docs] def derived_ef_names(self) -> np.ndarray: """Retrieves the derived eigenfunction names, None if not present.""" return self.header.get("derived_ef_names", None)
[docs] def has_ef_subset(self) -> bool: """Returns `True` if the dataset contains a subset of the eigenfunctions.""" return self.header["ef_subset_used"]
[docs] def has_matrices(self) -> bool: """Checks if matrices are present.""" return self.header["has_matrices"]
[docs] def has_eigenvectors(self) -> bool: """Checks if eigenvectors are present.""" return self.header["has_eigenvectors"]
[docs] def has_residuals(self) -> bool: """Checks if residuals are present.""" return self.header["has_residuals"]
[docs] def is_mhd(self) -> bool: """Checks if the dataset is MHD.""" return "mhd" in self.header.get("physics_type", None) and any( self.equilibria["B0"] != 0 )
[docs] def _ensure_compatibility(self) -> None: """ Makes sure that the dataset is backwards compatible with new changes. Mainly used for older (<2.0.0) datasets. """ if not self.has_background: return bg_keys_added_in_v200 = ["L0"] for key in bg_keys_added_in_v200: if self.equilibria.get(key, None) is None: pylboLogger.debug(f"added '{key}' to equilibrium of '{self.datfile}'") self.equilibria[key] = np.zeros_like(self.grid_gauss)
[docs] def get_sound_speed(self, which_values=None) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ Calculates the sound speed based on the equilibrium arrays, given by :math:`c_s = \\sqrt{\\frac{\\gamma p_0}{\\rho_0}}`. Parameters ---------- which_values : str Callback to :meth:`get_values`, either "average"/"minimum"/"maximum". Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Array with the sound speed at every grid point, or a float corresponding to the value of `which_values` if provided. """ if not self.has_background: raise BackgroundNotPresent(self.datfile, "get sound speed") pressure = self.equilibria["T0"] * self.equilibria["rho0"] cs = np.sqrt(self.gamma * pressure / self.equilibria["rho0"]) return get_values(cs, which_values)
[docs] def get_alfven_speed(self, which_values=None) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ Calculates the Alfvén speed based on the equilibrium arrays, given by :math:`c_A = \\sqrt{\\frac{B_0^2}{\\rho_0}}`. Parameters ---------- which_values : str Callback to :meth:`get_values`, either "average"/"minimum"/"maximum". Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Array with the Alfvén speed at every grid point, or a float corresponding to the value of `which_values` if provided. """ if not self.has_background: raise BackgroundNotPresent(self.datfile, "get Alfvén speed") cA = self.equilibria["B0"] / np.sqrt(self.equilibria["rho0"]) return get_values(cA, which_values)
[docs] def get_tube_speed(self, which_values=None) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ Calculates the tube speed for a cylinder, given by :math:`c_t = \\frac{c_s c_A}{\\sqrt{c_s^2 + c_A^2}}`. Parameters ---------- which_values : str Callback to :meth:`get_values`, either "average"/"minimum"/"maximum". Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Array with the tube speed at every grid point, or a float corresponding to the value of `which_values` if provided. Returns `None` if the geometry is not cylindrical. """ if not self.has_background: raise BackgroundNotPresent(self.datfile, "get tube speed") if not self.geometry == "cylindrical": pylboLogger.warning( "geometry is not cylindrical, unable to calculate tube speed" ) return None cA = self.get_alfven_speed() cs = self.get_sound_speed() ct = cs * cA / np.sqrt(cs**2 + cA**2) return get_values(ct, which_values)
[docs] def get_reynolds_nb(self, which_values=None) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ Calculates the Reynolds number, defined as :math:`R_e = \\frac{ac_s}{\\eta}` where the slabsize is given by :math:`a = x_{end} - x_{start}`. Parameters ---------- which_values : str Callback to :meth:`get_values`, either "average"/"minimum"/"maximum". Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Array with the Reynolds number at every grid point, or a float corresponding to the value of `which_values` if provided. Returns `None` if the resistivity is zero somewhere on the domain. """ if not self.has_background: raise BackgroundNotPresent(self.datfile, "get Reynolds number") cs = self.get_sound_speed() a = self.x_end - self.x_start eta = self.equilibria["eta"] if (eta == 0).any(): pylboLogger.warning( "resistivity is zero somewhere on the domain, unable to " "calculate the Reynolds number" ) return None Re = a * cs / eta return get_values(Re, which_values)
[docs] def get_magnetic_reynolds_nb(self, which_values=None) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ Calculates the magnetic Reynolds number, defined as :math:`R_m = \\frac{ac_A}{\\eta}` where the slabsize is given by :math:`a = x_{end} - x_{start}`. Parameters ---------- which_values : str Callback to :meth:`get_values`, either "average"/"minimum"/"maximum". Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Array with the magnetic Reynolds number at every grid point, or a float corresponding to the value of `which_values` if provided. Returns `None` if the resistivity is zero somewhere on the domain. """ if not self.has_background: raise BackgroundNotPresent(self.datfile, "get magnetic Reynolds number") cA = self.get_alfven_speed() a = self.x_end - self.x_start eta = self.equilibria["eta"] if (eta == 0).any(): pylboLogger.warning( "resistivity is zero somewhere on the domain, unable to " "calculate the magnetic Reynolds number" ) return None Rm = a * cA / eta return get_values(Rm, which_values)
[docs] def get_k0_squared(self) -> float: """ Calculates the squared wave number, defined as :math:`k_0^2 = k_2^2 + k_3^2`. """ return self.parameters.get("k2") ** 2 + self.parameters.get("k3") ** 2
[docs] def get_matrix_B(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Retrieves the matrix B from the datfile. Returns ------- Tuple(rows: numpy.ndarray, cols: numpy.ndarray, vals: numpy.ndarray) Tuple containing the rows, columns and values of the non-zero B-matrix elements. Rows and columns are integers, values are real. Raises ------ MatricesNotPresent If the matrices were not saved to the datfile. """ if not self.has_matrices: raise MatricesNotPresent(self.datfile) return self.filereader.read_matrix_B(self.header)
[docs] def get_matrix_A(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Retrieves the matrix A from the datfile. Returns ------- Tuple(rows: numpy.ndarray, cols: numpy.ndarray, vals: numpy.ndarray) Tuple containing the rows, columns and values of the non-zero A-matrix elements. Rows and columns are integers, values are complex. Raises ------ MatricesNotPresent If the matrices were not saved to the datfile. """ if not self.has_matrices: raise MatricesNotPresent(self.datfile) return self.filereader.read_matrix_A(self.header)
[docs] def get_eigenvectors(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Retrieves the eigenvectors from the datfile. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array containing the eigenvectors. One eigenvector in each column. Raises ------ EigenvectorsNotPresent If the eigenvectors were not saved to the datfile. """ if not self.has_eigenvectors: raise EigenvectorsNotPresent(self.datfile) return self.filereader.read_eigenvectors(self.header)
[docs] def get_residuals(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Retrieves the residuals from the datfile. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array containing the residuals. Raises ------ ResidualsNotPresent If the residuals were not saved to the datfile. """ if not self.has_residuals: raise ResidualsNotPresent(self.datfile) return self.filereader.read_residuals(self.header)
[docs] def _get_eigenfunction_like( self, ev_guesses: np.ndarray, ev_idxs: np.ndarray, getter_func: Callable ) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the eigenfunctions based on the supplied getter function. Parameters ---------- ev_guesses : complex, numpy.ndarray Eigenvalue guesses. ev_idxs : int, numpy.ndarray Indices of the eigenvalues to retrieve. getter_func : function Function to retrieve the eigenfunctions. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array containing the eigenfunctions, items are dictionaries. """ if ev_guesses is not None and ev_idxs is not None: raise ValueError( "get_eigenfunctions: either provide guesses or indices but not both" ) if ev_guesses is not None: idxs, _ = self.get_nearest_eigenvalues(ev_guesses) else: idxs = transform_to_numpy(ev_idxs) eigenfunctions = np.array([{}] * len(idxs), dtype=dict) for i, ef_idx in enumerate(idxs): efs = getter_func(self.header, ef_idx) if efs is not None: efs["eigenvalue"] = self.eigenvalues[ef_idx] eigenfunctions[i] = efs return eigenfunctions
[docs] def get_eigenfunctions(self, ev_guesses=None, ev_idxs=None) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the eigenfunctions based on given eigenvalue guesses or their indices. An array will be returned where every item is a dictionary, containing both the eigenvalue and its eigenfunctions. Either eigenvalue guesses or indices can be supplied, but not both. Parameters ---------- ev_guesses : complex, numpy.ndarray Eigenvalue guesses. ev_idxs : int, numpy.ndarray Indices corresponding to the eigenvalues that need to be retrieved. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array containing the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues corresponding to the supplied indices. Every index in this array contains a dictionary with the eigenfunctions and corresponding eigenvalue. The keys of each dictionary are the eigenfunction names. """ if not self.has_efs: raise EigenfunctionsNotPresent("eigenfunctions not written to datfile") efs = self._get_eigenfunction_like( ev_guesses, ev_idxs, getter_func=self.filereader.read_eigenfunction ) if not self.has_derived_efs: return efs # merge derived eigenfunctions with eigenfunctions derived_efs = self._get_eigenfunction_like( ev_guesses, ev_idxs, getter_func=self.filereader.read_derived_eigenfunction, ) for i, ef in enumerate(efs): ef.update(derived_efs[i]) if ef is not None else None return efs
[docs] def get_nearest_eigenvalues(self, ev_guesses) -> tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray): """ Calculates the eigenvalues nearest to a given guess based on the distance between two points. Parameters ---------- ev_guesses : float, complex, list of float, list of complex The guesses for the eigenvalues. These can be a single float/complex value, or a list/Numpy array of floats/complex values. Returns ------- Tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) The indices of the nearest eigenvalues in the :attr:`eigenvalues` array. The nearest eigenvalues to the provided guesses, corresponding with the indices `idxs`. """ idxs, eigenvals = self.get_eigenvalues_at_distance(ev_guesses, min_distance=0.0) return idxs, eigenvals
[docs] def get_eigenvalues_at_distance( self, ev_guesses, min_distance=0.0 ) -> tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray): """ Calculates the nearest eigenvalues nearest to a given guess but at a minimum distance away. Parameters ---------- ev_guesses : float, complex, list of float, list of complex The guesses for the eigenvalues. These can be a single float/complex value, or a list/Numpy array of floats/complex values. min_distance : float Minimum distance from the guess the eigenvalue should have. Returns ------- Tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) The indices of the nearest eigenvalues at the minimum distance in the :attr:`eigenvalues` array. The nearest eigenvalues at a minimum distance to the provided guesses, corresponding with the indices `idxs`. """ ev_guesses = transform_to_numpy(ev_guesses) idxs = np.empty(shape=len(ev_guesses), dtype=int) eigenvals = np.empty(shape=len(ev_guesses), dtype=complex) for i, ev_guess in enumerate(ev_guesses): # distance from guess to all eigenvalues distances = (self.eigenvalues.real - ev_guess.real) ** 2 + ( self.eigenvalues.imag - ev_guess.imag ) ** 2 # we don't want eigenvalues closer than min_distance with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): mask = distances < min_distance**2 distances[mask] = np.nan # closest distance (squared) idx = np.nanargmin(distances) idxs[i] = idx eigenvals[i] = self.eigenvalues[idx] return idxs, eigenvals
[docs] def get_omega_max(self, real=True, re_range=None): """ Calculates the maximum eigenvalue. The real or imaginary part is used, depending on the `real` argument. If a range is specified, the maximum eigenvalue is calculated within that range on the real axis. Parameters ---------- eigenvalues : numpy.ndarray(dtype=complex) The array of eigenvalues. real : bool If `True`, the real part of the eigenvalues is used. re_range : tuple(float, float) The range on the real axis to calculate the maximum eigenvalue. Defaults to None, which means all eigenvalues are considered. Returns ------- complex The maximum eigenvalue. """ return get_maximum_eigenvalue(self.eigenvalues, real, re_range)
[docs] class LegolasDataSeries(LegolasDataContainer): def __init__(self, datfiles):
[docs] self.datasets = [LegolasDataSet(datfile) for datfile in datfiles]
[docs] self.geometry = set([ds.geometry for ds in self.datasets])
if len(self.geometry) == 1: self.geometry = self.geometry.pop() def __iter__(self): for ds in self.datasets: yield ds def __getitem__(self, idx): if isinstance(idx, slice): return LegolasDataSeries( [ds.datfile for ds in self.datasets[idx.start : idx.stop : idx.step]] ) else: return self.datasets[idx] def __len__(self): return len(self.datasets) @property
[docs] def continua(self) -> dict: """ Returns the continua. Each key corresponds to a multiple Numpy arrays, one for each dataset. """ continua = self[0].continua if continua is None: return np.array([None] * len(self), dtype=object) keys = continua.keys() _continua = {key: [] for key in keys} for ds in self: for key in keys: _continua[key].append(ds.continua[key]) return {key: np.array(values) for key, values in _continua.items()}
[docs] def parameters(self) -> dict: """ Returns the parameters. Each key corresponds to multiple Numpy arrays, one for each dataset. """ keys = self[0].parameters.keys() _params = {key: [] for key in keys} for ds in self: for key in keys: _params[key].append(ds.parameters[key]) return {key: np.array(values) for key, values in _params.items()}
[docs] def has_background(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns `True` if background is present.""" return np.array([ds.has_background for ds in self.datasets], dtype=bool)
[docs] def has_efs(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns `True` if eigenfunctions are present.""" return np.array([ds.has_efs for ds in self.datasets], dtype=bool)
[docs] def ef_names(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the eigenfunction names.""" return np.array([ds.ef_names for ds in self.datasets], dtype=object)
[docs] def ef_grid(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the eigenfunction grid.""" return np.array([ds.ef_grid for ds in self.datasets], dtype=object)
[docs] def has_derived_efs(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns `True` at index `i` if eigenfunctions are present in dataset `i`.""" return np.array([ds.has_derived_efs for ds in self.datasets])
[docs] def derived_ef_names(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the derived eigenfunction names.""" return np.array([ds.derived_ef_names for ds in self.datasets], dtype=object)
[docs] def has_ef_subset(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns `True` at index `i` if the `i`-th dataset contains a subset.""" return np.array([ds.has_ef_subset for ds in self.datasets], dtype=object)
[docs] def has_matrices(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns `True` at index `i` if the `i`-th dataset contains matrices.""" return np.array([ds.has_matrices for ds in self.datasets], dtype=object)
[docs] def has_eigenvectors(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns `True` at index `i` if the `i`-th dataset contains eigenvectorst.""" return np.array([ds.has_eigenvectors for ds in self.datasets], dtype=object)
[docs] def has_residuals(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns `True` at index `i` if the `i`-th dataset contains residuals.""" return np.array([ds.has_residuals for ds in self.datasets], dtype=object)
[docs] def get_sound_speed(self, which_values=None) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the sound speed for the various datasets. Parameters ---------- which_values : str Callback to :meth:`get_values`, either "average"/"minimum"/"maximum". Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A Numpy array of same length as the number of datasets, containing the sound speeds. Elements are either arrays themselves or floats, depending on the value of `which_values`. """ return np.array([ds.get_sound_speed(which_values) for ds in self.datasets])
[docs] def get_alfven_speed(self, which_values=None) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the Alfvén speed for the various datasets. Parameters ---------- which_values : str Callback to :meth:`get_values`, either "average"/"minimum"/"maximum". Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A Numpy array of same length as the number of datasets, containing the Alfvén speeds. Elements are either arrays themselves or floats, depending on the value of `which_values`. """ return np.array([ds.get_alfven_speed(which_values) for ds in self.datasets])
[docs] def get_tube_speed(self, which_values=None) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the tube speed for the various datasets. Parameters ---------- which_values : str Callback to :meth:`get_values`, either "average"/"minimum"/"maximum". Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A Numpy array of same length as the number of datasets, containing the tube speeds. Elements are either arrays themselves or floats, depending on the value of `which_values`. Elements are None if the geometry is not cylindrical. """ return np.array([ds.get_tube_speed(which_values) for ds in self.datasets])
[docs] def get_reynolds_nb(self, which_values=None) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the Reynolds number for the various datasets. Parameters ---------- which_values : str Callback to :meth:`get_values`, either "average"/"minimum"/"maximum". Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A Numpy array of same length as the number of datasets, containing the Reynolds number. Elements are either arrays themselves or floats, depending on the value of `which_values`. Elements are None if the resistivity is zero. """ return np.array([ds.get_reynolds_nb(which_values) for ds in self.datasets])
[docs] def get_magnetic_reynolds_nb(self, which_values=None) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the magnetic Reynolds number for the various datasets. Parameters ---------- which_values : str Callback to :meth:`get_values`, either "average"/"minimum"/"maximum". Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A Numpy array of same length as the number of datasets, containing the magnetic Reynolds number. Elements are either arrays themselves or floats, depending on the value of `which_values`. Elements are None if the resistivity is zero. """ return np.array( [ds.get_magnetic_reynolds_nb(which_values) for ds in self.datasets] )
[docs] def get_k0_squared(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the squared wave number for the various datasets. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A Numpy array of same length as the number of datasets, containing the squared wavenumber for each. """ return np.array([ds.get_k0_squared() for ds in self.datasets], dtype=float)
[docs] def get_omega_max(self, real=True): """ Calculates the maximum of the real or imaginary part of the spectrum for the various datasets. Parameters ---------- real : bool Returns the largest real part if True (default option), returns the largest imaginary part if False. Returns ------- omega_max : numpy.ndarray A Numpy array of same length as the number of datasets, containing tuples of the eigenvalue that has the largest real or imaginary part. """ return np.array([ds.get_omega_max(real) for ds in self.datasets])