import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes import Axes as mpl_axes
from pylbo.data_containers import LegolasDataContainer, LegolasDataSet
from pylbo.visualisation.eigenfunctions.eigfunc_interface import EigenfunctionInterface
from pylbo.visualisation.utils import ef_name_to_latex
class EigenfunctionHandler(EigenfunctionInterface):
Main handler for eigenfunctions.
def __init__(self, data: LegolasDataContainer, ef_ax: mpl_axes, spec_ax: mpl_axes):
super().__init__(data, ef_ax, spec_ax)
self.spec_axis.set_title(f"{self.spec_axis.get_title()} -- eigenfunctions")
def update_plot(self):
if not self._selected_idxs:
ef_name = self._function_names[self._selected_name_idx]
for ds, idxs_dict in self._selected_idxs.items():
idxs = np.array([idx for idx in idxs_dict.keys()], dtype=int)
ef_container = ds.get_eigenfunctions(ev_idxs=idxs)
for ev_idx, efs in zip(idxs, ef_container):
ef = getattr(
efs.get(ef_name), "real" if self._use_real_part else "imag"
if self._ef_needs_retransform(ef_name):
ef = ef * ds.ef_grid
label = super()._get_label(ds, ev_idx, efs.get("eigenvalue"))
color = self._selected_idxs.get(ds).get(ev_idx).get_color()
self.axis.plot(ds.ef_grid, ef, color=color, label=label)
if self._draw_resonances:
self._show_resonances(ds, ev_idx, color)
self.axis.axhline(y=0, linestyle="dotted", color="grey")
if isinstance(, LegolasDataSet):
self.axis.axvline(, linestyle="dotted", color="grey")
self.axis.legend(loc="best", fontsize=8)
def _get_title(self, ef_name):
Creates the title of the eigenfunction plot.
If the eigenfunction is retransformed an 'r' is prepended if appropriate,
along with Re/Im depending on the real/imaginary part shown.
ef_name : str
The name of the eigenfunction as present in the datfile.
name : str
The 'new' name for the eigenfunction, used as title.
if self._ef_needs_retransform(ef_name):
ef_name = f"r{ef_name}"
ef_name = ef_name_to_latex(
ef_name,, real_part=self._use_real_part
return rf"{ef_name} eigenfunction"