Source code for pylbo.visualisation.modes.cartesian_2d

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import animation
from import ScalarMappable
from pylbo.utilities.toolbox import transform_to_list
from pylbo.visualisation.modes.mode_data import ModeVisualisationData
from pylbo.visualisation.modes.mode_figure import ModeFigure
from pylbo.visualisation.utils import add_axis_label
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs] class CartesianSlicePlot2D(ModeFigure): """ Class for handling Cartesian 2D plots of the eigenmode solutions. Parameters ---------- data : ModeVisualisationData The data for the visualisation. u2 : float or ndarray The :math:`y` coordinate of the eigenmode solution. u3 : float or ndarray The :math:`z` coordinate of the eigenmode solution. time : float The time at which the eigenmode solution is calculated. slicing_axis : str The axis along which the eigenmode solution is sliced. figsize : tuple[int, int] The size of the figure. show_ef_panel: bool Whether to show the eigenfunction panel. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to be passed to :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. """ def __init__( self, data: ModeVisualisationData, u2: Union[float, np.ndarray], u3: Union[float, np.ndarray], time: float, slicing_axis: str, figsize: tuple[int, int], show_ef_panel: bool, **kwargs, ) -> None: for i in "123": _axis = getattr(data.ds, f"u{i}_str") setattr(self, f"_u{i}axis", _axis.replace("$", "").replace("\\", "")) self.slicing_axis = self._validate_slicing_axis( slicing_axis, allowed_axes=[self._u2axis, self._u3axis] ) self.update_colorbar = True self._u1 = data.ds.ef_grid self._u2 = self._validate_u2(u2, slicing_axis, axis=self._u2axis) self._u3 = self._validate_u3(u3, slicing_axis, axis=self._u3axis) self._time = self._check_if_number(time, "time") self._kwargs = kwargs self._use_contour_plot = False self._contour_levels = None self._contour_recipe = None super().__init__(figsize, data, show_ef_panel) self.vmin = np.min(self._solutions) self.vmax = np.max(self._solutions)
[docs] def _validate_slicing_axis(self, slicing_axis: str, allowed_axes: list[str]) -> str: """ Validates the slicing axis. Parameters ---------- slicing_axis : str The slicing axis. allowed_axes : list[str] The list of allowed axes. Returns ------- str The validated slicing axis. """ if slicing_axis not in allowed_axes: raise ValueError(f"Slicing axis must be one of {allowed_axes}.") return slicing_axis
[docs] def _validate_u2(self, u2: float, slicing_axis: str, axis: str) -> float: """ Validates the combination of u2 and slicing axis. Parameters ---------- u2 : float The :math:`u_2` coordinate. slicing_axis : str The slicing axis. axis : str The coordinate axis corresponding to :math:`u_2`. Returns ------- float The validated :math:`u_2` coordinate. """ if slicing_axis == axis and not isinstance(u2, (int, np.integer, float)): raise ValueError(f"u2 must be a number for slicing axis '{axis}'.") return u2
[docs] def _validate_u3(self, u3: float, slicing_axis: str, axis: str) -> float: """ Validates the combination of u3 and slicing axis. Parameters ---------- u3 : float The :math:`u_3` coordinate. slicining_axis : str The slicing axis. axis : str The coordinate axis corresponding to :math:`u_3`. Returns ------- float The validated :math:`u_3` coordinate. """ if slicing_axis == axis and not isinstance(u3, (int, np.integer, float)): raise ValueError(f"u3 must be a number for slicing axis '{axis}'.") return u3
[docs] def set_plot_arrays(self) -> None: axis = self.slicing_axis coord = self._u2 if axis == self._u3axis else self._u3 self.solution_shape = (len(self._u1), len(coord)) for ef, omega in zip(, data = np.broadcast_to(ef, shape=reversed(self.solution_shape)).transpose() self.ef_data.append({"ef": data, "omega": omega}) x_2d, coord_2d = np.meshgrid(, coord, indexing="ij") self.u1_data = x_2d self.u2_data = coord_2d if axis == self._u3axis else self._u2 self.u3_data = coord_2d if axis == self._u2axis else self._u3 self.time_data = self._time
[docs] def add_u2u3_txt(self, ax, **kwargs) -> None: if self.slicing_axis == self._u3axis: txt = rf"{} = {self._u3}" else: txt = rf"{} = {self._u2}" txt = rf"{txt} | t = {self._time:.2f}" self.u2u3_txt = add_axis_label(ax, txt, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_contours(self, levels=None, fill=False) -> None: """ Sets up a contour plot instead of an image plot. Parameters ---------- levels : int or list[float] The number of levels or the list of levels. fill : bool Whether to fill the contour plot. """ self._use_contour_plot = True self._contour_levels = levels self._contour_recipe = if fill is False else
[docs] def draw_solution(self) -> None: if self._use_contour_plot: self._draw_contours() else: self._draw_image()
[docs] def _draw_image(self) -> None: vertical = self.u2_data if self.slicing_axis == self._u3axis else self.u3_data self._view = self.u1_data, vertical,, **self._kwargs, ) self.cbar = self.fig.colorbar( ScalarMappable(norm=self._view.norm, cmap=self._view.cmap), cax=self.cbar_ax )
[docs] def _draw_contours(self) -> None: vertical = self.u2_data if self.slicing_axis == self._u3axis else self.u3_data additional_kwargs = {} if self._contour_levels is not None: additional_kwargs["levels"] = self._contour_levels self._view = self._contour_recipe( self.u1_data, vertical,, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, **additional_kwargs, **self._kwargs, ) self.cbar = self.fig.colorbar( ScalarMappable(norm=self._view.norm, cmap=self._view.cmap), cax=self.cbar_ax )
[docs] def get_view_ylabel(self) -> str: return ( if self.slicing_axis == self._u3axis else )
[docs] def create_animation( self, times: np.ndarray, filename: str, fps: float = 10, dpi: int = 200 ) -> None: writer = animation.FFMpegWriter(fps=fps) pbar = tqdm(total=len(times), unit="frames", desc=f"Creating '{filename}'") = False self._ensure_first_frame_is_drawn() initial_solution = self._solutions with writer.saving(self.fig, filename, dpi=dpi): for t in times: solution = 0 for efdata in self.ef_data: solution += self.calculate_mode_solution( efdata, self.u2_data, self.u3_data, t ) if solution += self._update_view(updated_solution=solution) if self.update_colorbar: self._update_view_clims(solution) else: self._update_view_clims(initial_solution) self._set_t_txt(t) writer.grab_frame() pbar.update() self._solutions = initial_solution
[docs] def _ensure_first_frame_is_drawn(self) -> None: if None in transform_to_list(self._view): self.draw()
[docs] def _set_t_txt(self, t): if self.u2u3_txt is None: return txt = self.u2u3_txt.get_text().split("|")[0] self.u2u3_txt.set_text(f"{txt}| t = {t:.2f}")
[docs] def _update_view(self, updated_solution: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Updates the axes with the new solution. If a contour plot is used, the contour lines are cleared and redrawn. If an image plot is used, the image is updated. Parameters ---------- updated_solution : np.ndarray The new solution. """ if self._use_contour_plot: self._update_contour_plot(updated_solution) else: self._view.set_array(updated_solution.ravel())
[docs] def _update_view_clims(self, solution: np.ndarray) -> None: self.vmin, self.vmax = np.min(solution), np.max(solution) self._view.set_clim(self.vmin, self.vmax)
[docs] def _clear_contours(self): # sadly contour(f) does not support updating the data, so we have to # delete the old contours and create new ones every frame... for coll in self._view.collections: try: coll.remove() except ValueError: pass
[docs] def _update_contour_plot(self, updated_solution: np.ndarray) -> None: self._clear_contours() self._solutions = updated_solution self.draw_solution() self.add_axes_labels()