Source code for pylbo.visualisation.spectra.spectrum_multi

import matplotlib.colors as mpl_colors
import numpy as np
from pylbo.utilities.toolbox import add_pickradius_to_item, transform_to_numpy
from pylbo.visualisation.continua import ContinuaHandler
from pylbo.visualisation.eigenfunctions.eigfunc_handler import EigenfunctionHandler
from pylbo.visualisation.spectra.spectrum_figure import SpectrumFigure

[docs] class MultiSpectrumPlot(SpectrumFigure): """ Subclass that draws the multispectra. Parameters ---------- dataseries : ~pylbo.data_containers.LegolasDataSeries The dataseries that should be used. xdata : str, list, numpy.ndarray Data to use for the horizontal axis. This can either be a key from the parameters dictionary, or a list/numpy array containing actual data. use_squared_omega : bool If `True`, this will square the eigenvalues when they are plotted on the vertical axis. If `False` (default), either the real or imaginary part of the eigenvalues will be plotted depending on the value of `use_real_parts`. use_real_parts : bool If `True` (default), this will plot the real part of the eigenvalues on the vertical axis. If `False` the imaginary part will be used. figsize : tuple Optional figure size like the usual matplotlib (x, x) size. custom_figure : tuple Optional, in the form (fig, ax). If supplied no new figure will be created but this one will be used instead. `fig` refers to the matplotlib figure and `ax` to a (single) axes instance, meaning that you can pass a subplot as well. """ def __init__( self, dataseries, xdata, use_squared_omega, use_real_parts, figsize, custom_figure, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( custom_figure=custom_figure, figlabel="multi-spectrum", figsize=figsize ) self.dataseries = dataseries self.use_squared_omega = use_squared_omega self._w_pow = 1 if self.use_squared_omega: self._w_pow = 2 self.use_real_parts = use_real_parts self.xdata = self._validate_xdata(xdata) self.ydata = self._get_ydata() self.x_scaling = np.ones_like(self.dataseries, dtype=float) self.y_scaling = np.ones_like(self.dataseries, dtype=float) super()._set_plot_properties(kwargs)
[docs] def _validate_xdata(self, xdata): """ Validates the xdata passed, does typechecking and necessary casting. If a string is passed, this will request the proper values based on the parameters. Parameters ---------- xdata : str, list, numpy.ndarray The xdata used as x values on the spectrum plot. Returns ------- xdata_values : numpy.ndarray The xdata values of proper length and casted to a Numpy array. """ if isinstance(xdata, str): if self.dataseries.parameters.get(xdata, None) is None: raise ValueError( f"Provided key xdata='{xdata}' is not in parameters: \n" f"{self.dataseries.parameters.keys()}" ) xdata_values = self.dataseries.parameters[xdata] elif isinstance(xdata, (list, np.ndarray)): xdata_values = transform_to_numpy(xdata) if len(xdata_values) != len(self.dataseries): raise ValueError( f"Lengts of xdata do not match: " f"{len(xdata_values)} vs {len(self.dataseries)}" ) else: raise TypeError( f"xdata should be a string, list or numpy array but got {type(xdata)}." ) return xdata_values
[docs] def _get_ydata(self): """ Gets the y data based on the value of :attr:`use_squared_omega`. Returns ------- ydata : numpy.ndarray The y data values, either the real or imaginary parts based on :attr:`use_real_parts`. Every element is an array in itself corresponding to the various datasets, hence depending on the gridpoints in every dataset the elements themselves may be of different length. """ ydata = np.empty(len(self.dataseries), dtype=object) for i, ds in enumerate(self.dataseries): ydata[i] = ds.eigenvalues**self._w_pow if self.use_real_parts: ydata[i] = ydata[i].real else: ydata[i] = ydata[i].imag ydata[i][np.where(np.isclose(ydata[i], 0, atol=1e-15))] = np.nan return ydata
[docs] def set_x_scaling(self, x_scaling): """ Sets the x scaling, properly adjusted to the dataseries length. Parameters ---------- x_scaling : int, float, complex, numpy.ndarray Values to use for the x-scaling. """ if isinstance(x_scaling, (int, float, complex)): x_scaling = np.ones_like(self.dataseries, dtype=float) * x_scaling super().set_x_scaling(x_scaling)
[docs] def set_y_scaling(self, y_scaling): """ Sets the y scaling, properly adjusted to the dataseries length. Parameters ---------- y_scaling : int, float, complex, numpy.ndarray Values to use for the y-scaling. """ if isinstance(y_scaling, (int, float, complex)): y_scaling = np.ones_like(self.dataseries, dtype=float) * y_scaling super().set_y_scaling(y_scaling)
[docs] def add_spectrum(self): """ Draw method, creates the spectrum. """ for i, ds in enumerate(self.dataseries): spectrum_points = self.xdata[i] * np.ones_like(self.ydata[i], dtype=float) * self.x_scaling[i], self.ydata[i] * self.y_scaling[i], marker=self.marker, color=self.color, s=10 * self.markersize, alpha=self.alpha, linestyle="None", **self.plot_props, ) add_pickradius_to_item(item=spectrum_points, pickradius=10) # set dataset associated with this line of points setattr(spectrum_points, "dataset", ds), linestyle="dotted", color="grey", alpha=0.3), linestyle="dotted", color="grey", alpha=0.3)
[docs] def add_continua(self, interactive=True): """ Adds the continua to the plot, either interactive or not. Parameters ---------- interactive : bool If `True`, makes the legend interactive. """ if not self.has_valid_continua(self.dataseries): return if self._c_handler is None: self._c_handler = ContinuaHandler(interactive=interactive) for key, color in zip( self._c_handler.continua_names, self._c_handler.continua_colors ): # we skip duplicates if eigenvalues are squared if self.use_squared_omega and key in ("slow-", "alfven-"): continue # retrieve continuum, calculate region boundaries continuum = self.dataseries.continua[key] ** self._w_pow continuum = continuum.real if self.use_real_parts else continuum.imag min_values = np.array([np.min(c_ds) for c_ds in continuum]) max_values = np.array([np.max(c_ds) for c_ds in continuum]) # skip if continua are all zero if all(np.isclose(min_values, 0)) and all(np.isclose(max_values, 0)): continue # when continua are collapsed then min = max and we draw a line instead if all(np.isclose(abs(max_values - min_values), 0)): (item,) = self.xdata * self.x_scaling, min_values * self.y_scaling, color=color, alpha=self._c_handler.alpha_point, label=key, ) else: item = self.xdata * self.x_scaling, min_values * self.y_scaling, max_values * self.y_scaling, facecolor=mpl_colors.to_rgba(color, self._c_handler.alpha_region), edgecolor=mpl_colors.to_rgba(color, self._c_handler.alpha_point), linewidth=self._c_handler.linewidth, label=key, ) self._c_handler.add(item) self._c_handler.legend =**self._c_handler.legend_properties) if interactive: super().make_legend_interactive(self._c_handler)
[docs] def add_eigenfunctions(self): """Adds the eigenfunctions to the current figure.""" if self._ef_ax is None: self._ef_ax = super().add_subplot_axes(, loc="right") if self._ef_handler is None: self._ef_handler = EigenfunctionHandler( self.dataseries, self._ef_ax, ) super().add_eigenfunction_interface(efhandler=self._ef_handler)