Defines a set of variables and constants to be used in defining an Equilibrium |
Class containing all equilibrium expressions and initialisation functions. |
Class to convert numerical arrays to a Legolas-readable format. |
Class for generating user-defined Legolas modules and parfiles. |
Class to prepare Legolas data for use in MPI-AMRVAC ( |
Package Contents
- class pylbo.gimli.Variables
Defines a set of variables and constants to be used in defining an Equilibrium object.
- x, y, z
- Type:
sympy symbols
- rho0, T0, B0sq
Density, temperature, and magnetic field squared for use in expressions depending on these quantities.
- Type:
sympy symbols
- k2, k3
- Type:
sympy symbols
- rhoc, Tc, B2c, B3c, v2c, v3c, pc
Constants typically used for amplitudes or uniform terms in their corresponding equilibrium quantities.
- Type:
sympy symbols
- p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8
Additional free-use constants.
- Type:
sympy symbols
- alpha, beta, delta, theta, tau, lamda, nu
Additional free-use constants.
- Type:
sympy symbols
- r0, rc, rj, Bth0, V, j0, g
Additional constants, originally use in cylindrical coordinates.
- Type:
sympy symbols
>>> from pylbo.gimli import Variables >>> var = Variables()
- fkey
- class pylbo.gimli.Equilibrium(var, rho0, v02, v03, T0, B02=None, B03=None, resistivity=None, gravity=None, condpara=None, condperp=None, cooling=None, heating=None)
Class containing all equilibrium expressions and initialisation functions. This object is a required argument when generating user files with the Legolas and Amrvac classes.
- Parameters:
var (
) – The Variables object containing the symbols to be used in the equilibrium expressions.rho0 (sympy expression) – The equilibrium density expression.
v02 (sympy expressions) – The equilibrium velocity expressions.
v03 (sympy expressions) – The equilibrium velocity expressions.
T0 (sympy expression) – The equilibrium temperature expression.
B02 (sympy expressions) – The equilibrium magnetic field expressions.
B03 (sympy expressions) – The equilibrium magnetic field expressions.
resistivity (sympy expression) – The resistivity expression.
gravity (constant) – The gravitational acceleration.
condpara (sympy expression) – The parallel conduction prescription.
condperp (sympy expression) – The perpendicular conduction prescription.
cooling (sympy expression) – The cooling prescription.
heating (sympy expression) – The heating prescription.
- variables
Variables object from which all expressions are constructed.
- Type:
Variables object
- rho0
The equilibrium density expression.
- Type:
sympy expression
- v02, v03
The equilibrium velocity expressions.
- Type:
sympy expressions
- T0
The equilibrium temperature expression.
- Type:
sympy expression
- B02, B03
The equilibrium magnetic field expressions.
- Type:
sympy expressions
The example below defines a homogeneous hydrodynamic equilibrium with constant density and temperature. Their values can be set later when passing this equilibrium to the Legolas or Amrvac class along with a dictionary.
>>> from pylbo.gimli import Equilibrium, Variables >>> var = Variables() >>> eq = Equilibrium(var, rho0=var.rhoc, v02=0, v03=0, T0=var.Tc)
- variables
- rho0
- T0
- _dict_phys
- get_physics()
Returns a dictionary containing the physics expressions and the dependencies to check for.
- get_dependencies()
Checks for dependencies on other equilibrium quantities. Returns a dictionary with the replacement expressions for use in Fortran files.
- class pylbo.gimli.NumericalEquilibrium(arrays)
Class to convert numerical arrays to a Legolas-readable format.
- Parameters:
arrays (dict) – A dictionary linking key/header to a numerical array. Must contain “rho0” and “T0” and one of (“u1”, “x”, “r”). Optional arrays are “v01”, “v02”, “v03”, “B01”, “B02”, “B03”, and “grav”.
The example below defines a homogeneous hydrodynamic equilibrium with constant density and temperature.
>>> import numpy as np >>> from pylbo.gimli import NumericalEquilibrium >>> dictionary = { >>> "x" : np.linspace(0, 1, 100), >>> "rho0": 2 * np.ones(100), >>> "T0" : 0.5 * np.ones(100) >>> } >>> equil = NumericalEquilibrium(dictionary) >>> equil.to_legolas_arrays(filename="homogeneous")
- arrays
- _validate()
- class pylbo.gimli.Legolas(equilibrium, config)
Class for generating user-defined Legolas modules and parfiles.
- Parameters:
equilibrium (Equilibrium) – The equilibrium object containing the user-defined equilibrium and physics functions.
config (dict) – A dictionary containing the configuration for the Legolas run (both equilibrium parameter values and technical settings).
- equilibrium
- config
- _validate_config()
Validates the validity of the configuration dictionary.
- Raises:
KeyError – If the configuration dictionary is missing the physics_type key.
ValueError – If physics_type is not “hd” or “mhd”.
- user_module(filename='smod_user_defined', loc=None)
Writes the user module for the Legolas run.
- Parameters:
The example below defines a homogeneous hydrodynamic equilibrium with constant density and temperature. The values of the equilibrium parameters are set in the configuration dictionary.
>>> from pylbo.gimli import Variables, Equilibrium, Legolas >>> var = Variables() >>> eq = Equilibrium(var, rho0=var.rhoc, v02=0, v03=0, T0=var.Tc) >>> config = { >>> "geometry": "Cartesian", >>> "x_start": 0, >>> "x_end": 1, >>> "gridpoints": 51, >>> "parameters": { >>> "k2": 0.5, >>> "k3": 0, >>> "cte_rho0": 1, >>> "cte_T0": 1 >>> }, >>> "equilibrium_type": "user_defined", >>> "boundary_type": "wall_weak", >>> "physics_type": "mhd" >>> } >>> legolas = Legolas(eq, config) >>> legolas.user_module()
- parfile(filename='legolas_config', make_dir=False)
Writes the parameter file for the Legolas run.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
parfiles – A list containing the paths to the parameter files.
- Return type:
The example below defines a homogeneous hydrodynamic equilibrium with constant density and temperature. The values of the equilibrium parameters are set in the configuration dictionary and written to the parameter file.
>>> from pylbo.gimli import Variables, Equilibrium, Legolas >>> var = Variables() >>> eq = Equilibrium(var, rho0=var.rhoc, v02=0, v03=0, T0=var.Tc) >>> config = { >>> "geometry": "Cartesian", >>> "x_start": 0, >>> "x_end": 1, >>> "gridpoints": 51, >>> "parameters": { >>> "k2": 0.5, >>> "k3": 0, >>> "cte_rho0": 1, >>> "cte_T0": 1 >>> }, >>> "equilibrium_type": "user_defined", >>> "boundary_type": "wall_weak", >>> "physics_type": "mhd" >>> } >>> legolas = Legolas(eq, config) >>> legolas.parfile()
- class pylbo.gimli.Amrvac(config)
Class to prepare Legolas data for use in MPI-AMRVAC (
- Parameters:
config (dict) – The configuration dictionary detailing which Legolas file and selection of eigenmodes to use.
- config
- _validate_config()
Validates the presence and value of physics_type in the configuration dictionary.
- Raises:
KeyError – If physics_type is missing.
ValueError – If physics_type is invalid.
- _validate_datfile()
Validates whether a valid Legolas data file was specified in the configuration. Further checks whether all necessary parameters are present in the configuration to prepare Legolas data for use with MPI-AMRVAC.
- Raises:
AssertionError – If the length of weights is not equal to the number of eigenvalues or if the elements of the weights do not add up to 1; if ef_factor does not have modulus 1; if norm_range does not have length 2; if norm_range’s first element is larger than the second.
KeyError – If no datfile is specified; if no initial guess for the eigenvalue is specified.
TypeError – If ev_guess is not a single float/complex number or a list/NumPy array of float/complex numbers; if ev_time for the eigenvalue is not a float or an integer; if weights is not a list or NumPy array; if ef_factor is not a list with length equal to the number of eigenvalues, or an integer, float, or complex number; if quantity is not a string; if percentage is not a float; if norm_range is not a NumPy array.
ValueError – If quantity is not in the list of equilibrium quantities.
Exception – If the datfile is invalid.
- _get_combined_perturbation(ef)
Takes Legolas’s perturbations of different eigenvalues and adds them up to a single perturbation.
- Parameters:
ef (str) – The eigenfunction to combine.
- Returns:
The combined perturbation.
- Return type:
- _get_total_perturbation(ef_type)
Combines the perturbations of different eigenvalues into a single perturbation. Derives the pressure perturbation from the density and temperature perturbations.
- Parameters:
ef_type (str) – The eigenfunction to calculate.
- Returns:
The total perturbation.
- Return type:
- _get_normalisation()
Normalises the perturbation of the specified quantity by the maximum background value.
- Returns:
The normalisation factor.
- Return type:
- prepare_legolas_data(loc=None)
Prepares a file (.ldat) from the Legolas data for use with MPI-AMRVAC.
- Parameters:
loc (str, PathLike) – Path to the directory where the .ldat file will be stored. Default is the current directory.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the datfile is invalid.
>>> from pylbo.gimli import Amrvac >>> amrvac_config = { >>> "datfile": "./datfile.dat", >>> "physics_type": "mhd", >>> "ev_guess": [-0.1, 0.1], >>> "ev_time": 0, >>> "percentage": 0.01, >>> "quantity": "rho0" >>> } >>> amrvac = gimli.Amrvac(amrvac_config) >>> amrvac.prepare_legolas_data()