mod_atmosphere_curves Module

Contains data for a realistic solar atmosphere model taken from Avrett, E. H., & Loeser, R. (2008). Models of the solar chromosphere and transition region from SUMER and HRTS observations: formation of the extreme-ultraviolet spectrum of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. ApJS, 175(1), 229. link.



integer, public, parameter:: n_alc7 =130

amount of points in the table

real(kind=dp), protected :: h_alc7(n_alc7)

height datapoints in the curve in km

real(kind=dp), protected :: T_alc7(n_alc7)

temperature datapoints in the curve in K

real(kind=dp), protected :: pt_alc7(n_alc7)

(total) pressure datapoints in the curve in dyn*cm-2

real(kind=dp), protected :: pg_alc7(n_alc7)

(gas) pressure datapoints in the curve in dyn*cm-2

real(kind=dp), protected :: nh_alc7(n_alc7)

hydrogen numberdensity datapoints in the curve in cm-3