! ============================================================================= !> Main program for the Legolas finite element code. !! Matrices, eigenvalues and left/right eigenvectors are defined here and passed !! on to the different modules and submodules. !! !! <tt>Legolas</tt> is currently being developed by Niels Claes, Jordi De Jonghe !! and Rony Keppens, at the Centre for mathematical Plasma-Astrophysics (CmPA), !! KU Leuven, Belgium. program legolas use mod_global_variables, only: dp, str_len, initialise_globals use mod_matrix_structure, only: matrix_t, new_matrix use mod_equilibrium, only: set_equilibrium use mod_inspections, only: do_equilibrium_inspections use mod_matrix_manager, only: build_matrices use mod_solvers, only: solve_evp use mod_output, only: datfile_path, create_datfile use mod_logging, only: logger, str use mod_console, only: print_logo, print_startup_info, print_console_info, & print_whitespace use mod_timing, only: timer_t, new_timer use mod_settings, only: settings_t, new_settings use mod_background, only: background_t, new_background use mod_grid, only: grid_t, new_grid use mod_eigenfunctions, only: eigenfunctions_t, new_eigenfunctions use mod_physics, only: physics_t, new_physics use mod_arrays, only: deallocate_input implicit none !> A matrix in eigenvalue problem wBX = AX type(matrix_t) :: matrix_A !> B matrix in eigenvalue problem wBX = AX type(matrix_t) :: matrix_B !> timer used by the whole program type(timer_t) :: timer !> dedicated settings type type(settings_t) :: settings type(grid_t) :: grid type(background_t) :: background type(eigenfunctions_t) :: eigenfunctions type(physics_t) :: physics !> array with eigenvalues complex(dp), allocatable :: omega(:) !> matrix with right eigenvectors, column indices correspond to omega indices complex(dp), allocatable :: right_eigenvectors(:, :) call initialise_globals() call logger%initialise() timer = new_timer() settings = new_settings() call timer%start_timer() call read_user_parfile() call print_logo() call print_startup_info(settings) grid = new_grid(settings) background = new_background() physics = new_physics(settings, background) call set_equilibrium(settings, grid, background, physics) timer%init_time = timer%end_timer() call print_console_info(settings) call do_equilibrium_inspections(settings, grid, background, physics) call timer%start_timer() matrix_A = new_matrix(nb_rows=settings%dims%get_dim_matrix(), label="A") matrix_B = new_matrix(nb_rows=settings%dims%get_dim_matrix(), label="B") call build_matrices(matrix_B, matrix_A, settings, grid, background, physics) timer%matrix_time = timer%end_timer() call logger%info("solving eigenvalue problem...") call timer%start_timer() call do_eigenvalue_problem_allocations() call solve_evp(matrix_A, matrix_B, settings, omega, right_eigenvectors) timer%evp_time = timer%end_timer() call logger%info("done.") call timer%start_timer() eigenfunctions = new_eigenfunctions(settings, grid, background) call get_eigenfunctions() timer%eigenfunction_time = timer%end_timer() call timer%start_timer() call create_datfile( & settings, & grid, & background, & physics, & omega, & matrix_A, & matrix_B, & right_eigenvectors, & eigenfunctions & ) timer%datfile_time = timer%end_timer() call cleanup() call print_timelog() if (settings%io%show_results) then call print_whitespace(1) call execute_command_line("python3 pylbo_wrapper.py -i " // trim(datfile_path)) end if contains subroutine read_user_parfile() use mod_input, only: get_parfile, read_parfile character(len=5*str_len) :: parfile call get_parfile(parfile) call read_parfile(parfile, settings) end subroutine read_user_parfile subroutine do_eigenvalue_problem_allocations() integer :: nb_evs select case(settings%solvers%get_solver()) case ("arnoldi") nb_evs = settings%solvers%number_of_eigenvalues case ("inverse-iteration") nb_evs = 1 case default nb_evs = settings%dims%get_dim_matrix() end select call logger%debug("allocating eigenvalue array of size " // str(nb_evs)) allocate(omega(nb_evs)) ! Arnoldi solver needs this, since it always calculates an orthonormal basis if ( & settings%io%should_compute_eigenvectors() & .or. settings%solvers%get_solver() == "arnoldi" & ) then call logger%debug("allocating eigenvector arrays") ! we need #rows = matrix dimension, #cols = #eigenvalues allocate(right_eigenvectors(settings%dims%get_dim_matrix(), nb_evs)) else ! @note: this is needed to prevent segfaults, since it seems that in some ! cases for macOS the routine zgeev references the right eigenvectors even ! if they are not requested. call logger%debug("allocating eigenvector arrays as dummy") allocate(right_eigenvectors(2, 2)) end if end subroutine do_eigenvalue_problem_allocations !> Initialises and calculates the eigenfunctions if requested. subroutine get_eigenfunctions() if (.not. settings%io%write_eigenfunctions) return call eigenfunctions%initialise(omega) call eigenfunctions%assemble(right_eigenvectors) end subroutine get_eigenfunctions !> Deallocates all main variables, then calls the cleanup !! routines of all relevant subroutines to do the same thing. subroutine cleanup() deallocate(omega) if (allocated(right_eigenvectors)) deallocate(right_eigenvectors) call matrix_A%delete_matrix() call matrix_B%delete_matrix() call eigenfunctions%delete() call physics%delete() call grid%delete() call background%delete() call settings%delete() call deallocate_input() end subroutine cleanup subroutine print_timelog() real(dp) :: total_time call print_whitespace(1) call logger%info("---------------------------------------------") call logger%disable_prefix() total_time = timer%get_total_time() call logger%info(" << Time log >>") call logger%info("Legolas finished in " // str(total_time) // " seconds") call logger%info(" initialisation: " // str(timer%init_time) // " sec") call logger%info(" matrix construction: " // str(timer%matrix_time) // " sec") call logger%info(" eigenvalue problem: " // str(timer%evp_time) // " sec") call logger%info(" eigenfunctions: " // str(timer%eigenfunction_time) // " sec") call logger%info(" datfile creation: " // str(timer%datfile_time) // " sec") call logger%enable_prefix() end subroutine print_timelog end program legolas