smod_equil_suydam_cluster.f08 Source File


Source Code

! =============================================================================
!> This submodule defines a cylindrical equilibrium in which a Suydam surface
!! is present, such that this gives rises to Suydam cluster modes.
!! The geometry can be overriden using the parfile.
!! This equilibrium is taken from
!! _Nijboer, R. J., Holst, B., Poedts, S., & Goedbloed, J. P. (1997).
!!  Calculating magnetohydrodynamic flow spectra. Computer physics communications, 106(1-2), 39-52_.
!! @note Default values are given by
!! - <tt>k2</tt> = 1
!! - <tt>k3</tt> = -1.2
!! - <tt>cte_rho0</tt> = 1 : used to set the density value.
!! - <tt>cte_p0</tt> = 0.05 : used to set the background pressure.
!! - <tt>cte_v02</tt> = 0 : sets a constant flow \(v_\theta\).
!! - <tt>cte_v03</tt> = 0.14 : prefactor for flow profile \(v_z\).
!! - <tt>p1</tt> = 0.1 : constant that appears in magnetic field and pressure components.
!! - <tt>alpha</tt> = 2 : used in the Bessel functions.
!! and can all be changed in the parfile. @endnote
submodule (mod_equilibrium) smod_equil_suydam_cluster
  use mod_equilibrium_params, only: cte_rho0, cte_v02, cte_v03, cte_p0, p1, alpha
  implicit none


  !> Sets the equilibrium
  module procedure suydam_cluster_eq
    if (settings%equilibrium%use_defaults) then  ! LCOV_EXCL_START
      call settings%grid%set_geometry("cylindrical")
      call settings%grid%set_grid_boundaries(0.0_dp, 1.0_dp)
      call settings%physics%enable_flow()

      cte_rho0 = 1.0_dp
      cte_v02 = 0.0_dp
      cte_v03 = 0.14_dp
      cte_p0 = 0.05_dp
      p1 = 0.1_dp
      alpha = 2.0_dp

      k2 = 1.0_dp
      k3 = -1.2_dp
    end if ! LCOV_EXCL_STOP

    call background%set_density_funcs(rho0_func=rho0)
    call background%set_velocity_2_funcs(v02_func=v02)
    call background%set_velocity_3_funcs(v03_func=v03, dv03_func=dv03)
    call background%set_temperature_funcs(T0_func=T0, dT0_func=dT0)
    call background%set_magnetic_2_funcs(B02_func=B02, dB02_func=dB02)
    call background%set_magnetic_3_funcs(B03_func=B03, dB03_func=dB03)
  end procedure suydam_cluster_eq

  real(dp) function rho0()
    rho0 = cte_rho0
  end function rho0

  real(dp) function T0(r)
    real(dp), intent(in) :: r
    T0 = (cte_p0 + 0.5_dp * p1 * J0(r)**2) / cte_rho0
  end function T0

  real(dp) function dT0(r)
    real(dp), intent(in) :: r
    dT0 = p1 * J0(r) * DJ0(r) / cte_rho0
  end function dT0

  real(dp) function v02()
    v02 = cte_v02
  end function v02

  real(dp) function v03(r)
    real(dp), intent(in) :: r
    v03 = cte_v03 * (1.0_dp - r**2)
  end function v03

  real(dp) function dv03(r)
    real(dp), intent(in) :: r
    dv03 = -2.0_dp * cte_v03 * r
  end function dv03

  real(dp) function B02(r)
    real(dp), intent(in) :: r
    B02 = J1(r)
  end function B02

  real(dp) function dB02(r)
    real(dp), intent(in) :: r
    dB02 = DJ1(r)
  end function dB02

  real(dp) function B03(r)
    real(dp), intent(in) :: r
    B03 = sqrt(1.0_dp - p1) * J0(r)
  end function B03

  real(dp) function dB03(r)
    real(dp), intent(in) :: r
    dB03 = -alpha * sqrt(1.0_dp - p1) * J1(r)
  end function dB03

  real(dp) function J0(r)
    real(dp), intent(in) :: r
    J0 = bessel_jn(0, alpha * r)
  end function J0

  real(dp) function J1(r)
    real(dp), intent(in) :: r
    J1 = bessel_jn(1, alpha * r)
  end function J1

  real(dp) function DJ0(r)
    real(dp), intent(in) :: r
    DJ0 = -alpha * J1(r)
  end function DJ0

  real(dp) function DJ1(r)
    real(dp), intent(in) :: r
    DJ1 = alpha * (0.5_dp * J0(r) - 0.5_dp * bessel_jn(2, alpha * r))
  end function DJ1

end submodule smod_equil_suydam_cluster