Source code for pylbo.visualisation.utils

from functools import wraps
from typing import Any

import matplotlib.axes
from pylbo.utilities.toolbox import get_all_eigenfunction_names

[docs] _BACKGROUND_NAME_MAPPING = { "rho0": r"$\rho_0$", "drho0": r"$\partial \rho_0$", "T0": r"$T_0$", "dT0": r"$\partial T_0$", "ddT0": r"$\partial^2 T_0$", "B01": r"$B_{01}$", "B02": r"$B_{02}$", "B03": r"$B_{03}$", "dB02": r"$\partial B_{02}$", "dB03": r"$\partial B_{03}$", "ddB02": r"$\partial^2 B_{02}$", "ddB03": r"$\partial^2 B_{03}$", "B0": r"$B_0$", "v01": r"$v_{01}$", "v02": r"$v_{02}$", "v03": r"$v_{03}$", "dv01": r"$\partial v_{01}$", "dv02": r"$\partial v_{02}$", "dv03": r"$\partial v_{03}$", "ddv01": r"$\partial^2 v_{01}$", "ddv02": r"$\partial^2 v_{02}$", "ddv03": r"$\partial^2 v_{03}$", "L0": r"$\mathcal{L}_0$", "dLdT": r"$\partial_T \mathcal{L}$", "dLdrho": r"$\partial_\rho \mathcal{L}$", "lambdaT": r"$\Lambda(T)$", "dlambdadT": r"$\partial_T \Lambda$", "H0": r"$\mathcal{H}_0$", "dHdT": r"$\partial_T \mathcal{H}$", "dHdrho": r"$\partial_\rho \mathcal{H}$", "kappa_para": r"$\kappa_\parallel$", "kappa_perp": r"$\kappa_\perp$", "dkappa_para_dT": r"$\partial_T \kappa_\parallel$", "dkappa_para_dr": r"$\partial \kappa_\parallel$", "dkappa_perp_drho": r"$\partial_\rho \kappa_\perp$", "dkappa_perp_dT": r"$\partial_T \kappa_\perp$", "dkappa_perp_dB2": r"$\partial_{B^2} \kappa_\perp$", "dkappa_perp_dr": r"$\partial \kappa_\perp$", "eta": r"$\eta$", "detadT": r"$\partial_T \eta$", "detadr": r"$\partial \eta$", "gravity": r"$g$", }
[docs] def refresh_plot(f: callable) -> callable: """ Simple decorator, when a routine is wrapped with this the plot will be cleared and redrawn on calling it. Useful for when the scaling is changed or artists are added/removed. """ @wraps(f) def refresh(*args, **kwargs): f(*args, **kwargs) window = args[0] window.redraw() return f return refresh
[docs] def ensure_attr_set(obj: Any, attr: str) -> None: """ Ensures that a given attribute is set. Parameters ---------- obj : Any The object to check. attr : str The attribute to check. Raises ------ ValueError If the attribute is not set. """ if getattr(obj, attr, None) is None: raise AttributeError(f"attribute '{attr}' not set for {type(obj)}")
[docs] def ef_name_to_latex( ef_name: str, geometry: str = "Cartesian", real_part: bool = None ) -> str: """ Converts an eigenfunction name to latex formatting. Numbers are replaced with a suffix corresponding to the geometry: :math:`(1, 2, 3)` becomes :math:`(x, y, z)` for Cartesian and :math:`(r, \\theta, z)` for cylindrical geometries. Symbols and letters are also converted to LaTeX. Parameters ---------- ef_name : str The name of the eigenfunction. geometry : str, optional The geometry of the eigenfunction. The default is "Cartesian". real_part : bool, optional Whether the real part of the eigenfunction is being plotted. The default is None. """ part = "" if real_part is not None: part = "Re" if real_part else "Im" if geometry == "cylindrical": suffix = ("_r", r"_\theta", "_z") else: suffix = ("_x", "_y", "_z") for i, idx in enumerate("123"): ef_name = ef_name.replace(idx, suffix[i]) ef_name = ef_name.replace("rho", r"\rho") ef_name = ef_name.replace("div", "\\nabla\\cdot") ef_name = ef_name.replace("curl", "\\nabla\\times") ef_name = ef_name.replace("para", "\\parallel") ef_name = ef_name.replace("perp", "\\perp") ef_name = ef_name.replace("dB", "B^\\prime") latex_name = rf"${ef_name}$" if part != "": latex_name = rf"{part}({latex_name})" return latex_name
[docs] def background_name_to_latex(bg_name: str) -> str: """ Maps the background name to latex formatting. Parameters ---------- bg_name : str The name of the background as given by the corresponding dictionary key. Returns ------- str The latex formatted background name. If the background name has no mapping the original name is returned. """ return _BACKGROUND_NAME_MAPPING.get(bg_name, bg_name)
[docs] def validate_ef_name(ds, ef_name: str) -> str: """ Returns the validated eigenfunction name. Parameters ---------- ds : ~pylbo.data_containers.LegolasDataSet The dataset containing the eigenfunctions. ef_name : str The name of the eigenfunction. Raises ------ ValueError If the eigenfunction name is not valid. Returns ------- str The validated eigenfunction name. """ # copy this or we're editing the property itself names = get_all_eigenfunction_names(ds) if ef_name not in names: raise ValueError( f"The eigenfunction '{ef_name}' is not part of the " f"eigenfunctions {names}." ) return ef_name
[docs] def _validate_textbox_location(loc: str) -> str: """ Validates the location of the textbox. Parameters ---------- loc : str The location of the textbox. Raises ------ ValueError If the location is not one of "top left", "top right", "bottom left" or "bottom right". Returns ------- str The validated location. """ allowed_locs = ["top left", "top right", "bottom left", "bottom right"] if loc not in allowed_locs: raise ValueError(f"Invalid location: {loc}, must be one of {allowed_locs}") return loc
[docs] def _get_textbox_axes_coords(loc: str, outside: bool, width: float, height: float): """ Returns the coordinates of the textbox. Parameters ---------- loc : str The location of the textbox. outside : bool Whether the textbox is outside the axes. width : float The width of the bounding box. height : float The height of the bounding box. Returns ------- float The x-coordinate of the textbox. float The y-coordinate of the textbox. """ x = 0.5 * width y = 0.5 * height if loc == "top left": y = 1 - y elif loc == "top right": x = 1 - x y = 1 - y elif loc == "bottom right": x = 1 - x if outside: if "top" in loc: y = y + height else: y = y - height return x, y
[docs] def add_textbox_to_axes( ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, text: str, x: float, y: float, coords: str = "axes", fs: int = 15, alpha: float = 0.2, halign: str = "center", color: str = "grey", textcolor: str = "black", boxstyle: str = "round", ) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes.text: """ Convenience method to add a textbox to the given axes. Parameters ---------- ax : ~matplotlib.axes.Axes The axes to add the textbox to. text : str The text to add to the textbox. x : float The x-coordinate of the textbox. y : float The y-coordinate of the textbox. coords : str, optional The coordinate system of the textbox. The default is "axes", options are "axes", "figure", and "data". fs : int, optional The fontsize of the textbox. The default is 15. alpha : float, optional The alpha value of the textbox. The default is 0.2. halign : str, optional The horizontal alignment of the textbox. The default is "center". color : str, optional The color of the textbox. The default is "grey". textcolor : str, optional The color of the text. The default is "black". boxstyle : str, optional The style of the textbox. The default is "round". Returns ------- ~matplotlib.axes.Axes.text The textbox. """ transform = { "data": ax.transData, "axes": ax.transAxes, "figure": ax.figure.transFigure, } bbox = {"facecolor": color, "alpha": alpha, "boxstyle": boxstyle, "pad": 0.2} return ax.text( x, y, text, transform=transform[coords], fontsize=fs, bbox=bbox, horizontalalignment=halign, color=textcolor, )
[docs] def add_axis_label( ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, text: str, loc: str = "top left", fs: int = 15, alpha: float = 0.2, color: str = "grey", textcolor: str = "black", boxstyle: str = "round", bold: bool = False, outside: bool = False, ) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes.text: """ Creates a textbox in one of the corners of the specified axis. This method is meant to create panel labels without having to manually specify the coordinates of the textbox. Parameters ---------- ax : ~matplotlib.axes.Axes The axes to add the textbox to. text : str The text to add to the textbox. loc : str, optional The location of the textbox. The default is "top left", options are "top right", "bottom left" and "bottom right". fs : int, optional The fontsize of the textbox. The default is 15. alpha : float, optional The alpha value of the textbox. The default is 0.2. color : str, optional The color of the textbox. The default is "grey". textcolor : str, optional The color of the text. The default is "black". boxstyle : str, optional The style of the textbox. The default is "round". If `None` is passed no box will be drawn. bold : bool, optional Whether to bold the text. The default is False. outside : bool, optional Whether to place the textbox outside of the axis. The default is False. Raises ------ ValueError If the location is not one of "top left", "top right", "bottom left" or "bottom right". Returns ------- ~matplotlib.axes.Axes.text The textbox. """ _validate_textbox_location(loc) bbox = {"facecolor": "none", "alpha": 0} if boxstyle is not None: bbox.update( {"facecolor": color, "alpha": alpha, "boxstyle": boxstyle, "pad": 0.2} ) va = "center" ha = "center" # optional kwargs kwargs = {} if bold: kwargs.update({"weight": "bold"}) transform = ax.transAxes # first draw sample to calculate the size of the textbox sample = ax.text( 0.5, 0.5, text, transform=transform, fontsize=fs, bbox=bbox, ha=ha, va=va, color=textcolor, **kwargs, ) ax.figure.canvas.draw() # get bounding box and make it 2% larger to prevent hugging the axes bb = sample.get_bbox_patch().get_extents().transformed(transform.inverted()) bb_width = 1.02 * (bb.x1 - bb.x0) bb_height = 1.02 * (bb.y1 - bb.y0) sample.remove() x, y = _get_textbox_axes_coords( loc=loc, outside=outside, width=bb_width, height=bb_height ) return ax.text( x, y, text, transform=transform, fontsize=fs, bbox=bbox, ha=ha, va=va, color=textcolor, **kwargs, )