



refresh_plot(→ callable)

Simple decorator, when a routine is wrapped with this the plot will be

ensure_attr_set(→ None)

Ensures that a given attribute is set.

ef_name_to_latex(→ str)

Converts an eigenfunction name to latex formatting. Numbers are replaced with a

background_name_to_latex(→ str)

Maps the background name to latex formatting.

validate_ef_name(→ str)

Returns the validated eigenfunction name.

_validate_textbox_location(→ str)

Validates the location of the textbox.

_get_textbox_axes_coords(loc, outside, width, height)

Returns the coordinates of the textbox.

add_textbox_to_axes(→ matplotlib.axes.Axes.text)

Convenience method to add a textbox to the given axes.

add_axis_label(→ matplotlib.axes.Axes.text)

Creates a textbox in one of the corners of the specified axis. This method is meant

Module Contents

pylbo.visualisation.utils.refresh_plot(f: callable) callable[source]

Simple decorator, when a routine is wrapped with this the plot will be cleared and redrawn on calling it. Useful for when the scaling is changed or artists are added/removed.

pylbo.visualisation.utils.ensure_attr_set(obj: Any, attr: str) None[source]

Ensures that a given attribute is set.

  • obj (Any) – The object to check.

  • attr (str) – The attribute to check.


ValueError – If the attribute is not set.

pylbo.visualisation.utils.ef_name_to_latex(ef_name: str, geometry: str = 'Cartesian', real_part: bool = None) str[source]

Converts an eigenfunction name to latex formatting. Numbers are replaced with a suffix corresponding to the geometry: \((1, 2, 3)\) becomes \((x, y, z)\) for Cartesian and \((r, \theta, z)\) for cylindrical geometries. Symbols and letters are also converted to LaTeX.

  • ef_name (str) – The name of the eigenfunction.

  • geometry (str, optional) – The geometry of the eigenfunction. The default is “Cartesian”.

  • real_part (bool, optional) – Whether the real part of the eigenfunction is being plotted. The default is None.

pylbo.visualisation.utils.background_name_to_latex(bg_name: str) str[source]

Maps the background name to latex formatting.


bg_name (str) – The name of the background as given by the corresponding dictionary key.


The latex formatted background name. If the background name has no mapping the original name is returned.

Return type:


pylbo.visualisation.utils.validate_ef_name(ds, ef_name: str) str[source]

Returns the validated eigenfunction name.

  • ds (LegolasDataSet) – The dataset containing the eigenfunctions.

  • ef_name (str) – The name of the eigenfunction.


ValueError – If the eigenfunction name is not valid.


The validated eigenfunction name.

Return type:


pylbo.visualisation.utils._validate_textbox_location(loc: str) str[source]

Validates the location of the textbox.


loc (str) – The location of the textbox.


ValueError – If the location is not one of “top left”, “top right”, “bottom left” or “bottom right”.


The validated location.

Return type:


pylbo.visualisation.utils._get_textbox_axes_coords(loc: str, outside: bool, width: float, height: float)[source]

Returns the coordinates of the textbox.

  • loc (str) – The location of the textbox.

  • outside (bool) – Whether the textbox is outside the axes.

  • width (float) – The width of the bounding box.

  • height (float) – The height of the bounding box.


  • float – The x-coordinate of the textbox.

  • float – The y-coordinate of the textbox.

pylbo.visualisation.utils.add_textbox_to_axes(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, text: str, x: float, y: float, coords: str = 'axes', fs: int = 15, alpha: float = 0.2, halign: str = 'center', color: str = 'grey', textcolor: str = 'black', boxstyle: str = 'round') matplotlib.axes.Axes.text[source]

Convenience method to add a textbox to the given axes.

  • ax (Axes) – The axes to add the textbox to.

  • text (str) – The text to add to the textbox.

  • x (float) – The x-coordinate of the textbox.

  • y (float) – The y-coordinate of the textbox.

  • coords (str, optional) – The coordinate system of the textbox. The default is “axes”, options are “axes”, “figure”, and “data”.

  • fs (int, optional) – The fontsize of the textbox. The default is 15.

  • alpha (float, optional) – The alpha value of the textbox. The default is 0.2.

  • halign (str, optional) – The horizontal alignment of the textbox. The default is “center”.

  • color (str, optional) – The color of the textbox. The default is “grey”.

  • textcolor (str, optional) – The color of the text. The default is “black”.

  • boxstyle (str, optional) – The style of the textbox. The default is “round”.


The textbox.

Return type:


pylbo.visualisation.utils.add_axis_label(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, text: str, loc: str = 'top left', fs: int = 15, alpha: float = 0.2, color: str = 'grey', textcolor: str = 'black', boxstyle: str = 'round', bold: bool = False, outside: bool = False) matplotlib.axes.Axes.text[source]

Creates a textbox in one of the corners of the specified axis. This method is meant to create panel labels without having to manually specify the coordinates of the textbox.

  • ax (Axes) – The axes to add the textbox to.

  • text (str) – The text to add to the textbox.

  • loc (str, optional) – The location of the textbox. The default is “top left”, options are “top right”, “bottom left” and “bottom right”.

  • fs (int, optional) – The fontsize of the textbox. The default is 15.

  • alpha (float, optional) – The alpha value of the textbox. The default is 0.2.

  • color (str, optional) – The color of the textbox. The default is “grey”.

  • textcolor (str, optional) – The color of the text. The default is “black”.

  • boxstyle (str, optional) – The style of the textbox. The default is “round”. If None is passed no box will be drawn.

  • bold (bool, optional) – Whether to bold the text. The default is False.

  • outside (bool, optional) – Whether to place the textbox outside of the axis. The default is False.


ValueError – If the location is not one of “top left”, “top right”, “bottom left” or “bottom right”.


The textbox.

Return type:
