Implementing a custom setup
This page explains how to configure the custom user submodule to your needs. We assume that you are already familiar with
how to set up a legolas directory and how to run legolas in a separate directory. If this is not the case see how to run your first problem.
In what follows we also assume that both a smod_user_defined.f08
file and parfile are present in the current working directory. You can copy both of these over when running
the setup script. Alternatively, you can use Python to define an analytic (SymPy) or numerical configuration, and use Pylbo
’s submodule Gimli
to generate your Legolas files.
More information can be found here.
Read before proceeding
When implementing your own setup it is useful to know how Legolas treats the user submodule. The program state at a given time is governed by the following objects (click the links for a full overview of accessible attributes and type-bound procedures):
This object governs the overall settings of the code, which contains various attributes corresponding to other dedicated settings objects (block dimensions, grid settings, physics settings, etc.). Most of these attributes are accessible through the corresponding type-bound procedures.grid
This object governs the base, Gaussian, and eigenfunction grids, as well as the scale factors. In most cases there is no need to access this object, except when you want to customise the grid spacing or use a custom grid.background
This object contains the functions defining the background equilibrium state, by default all these functions point to zero. You as a user should set these for your specific case (see below).physics
This object contains the various physics functions, by default these are set to the pre-implemented ones (see here). Most of these can be overridden (see below) if desired.
These objects are passed to the user_defined_eq
subroutine in the user submodule with intent(inout)
. Note that all variables should be specified using
the global parameter dp
, corresponding to the double precision value real64
from iso_fortran_env
Structure of the submodule
The general template of the submodule looks like this
submodule (mod_equilibrium) smod_user_defined
implicit none
module procedure user_defined_eq
! ...
end procedure user_defined_eq
end submodule smod_user_defined
The mod_equilibrium
statement between brackets refers to the parent module, which contains the interface of the procedures that are implemented in their respective submodules. This also implies that you have access to all public variables/routines/functions that are either defined or used in the parent module through host association, without having to use
them explicitly.
Defining the grid
Using the default grid
To use a default, uniformely spaced base grid, Legolas needs the geometry, gridpoints and grid edges.
This can be done in the submodule itself by accessing the settings%grid
object as shown below, or through the parfile.
module procedure user_defined_eq
call settings%grid%set_geometry("Cartesian")
call settings%grid%set_gridpts(100)
call settings%grid%set_grid_boundaries(0.0_dp, 1.0_dp)
end module procedure user_defined_eq
Using a custom grid
A second option is defining a grid yourself. There are no restrictions on a custom grid (besides it needing to be monotically increasing), so you can supply any array
you want. Note that the size of your custom array must be consistent with the number of gridpoints you set in the submodule/parfile. Setting a custom grid is done by accessing
the grid
module procedure user_defined_eq
real(dp), allocatable :: my_custom_grid(:)
! fill the grid however you want
call grid%set_custom_grid(my_custom_grid)
end module procedure user_defined_eq
Defining mesh accumulation
A third option is modifying the spacing function, which may be more convenient than defining a custom grid. An example is given below, where a Gaussian spacing function is used, resulting in grid accumulation near the peak.
The spacing function governs dx
, meaning that smaller function values imply a smaller grid spacing, and hence more points. Also, when using this method the number of
gridpoints will vary to accomodate the specified spacing function.
module procedure user_defined_eq
call settings%grid%set_grid_boundaries(-1.0_dp, 2.0_dp)
call grid%set_spacing_function(gaussian_dx)
end procedure user_defined_eq
real(dp) function gaussian_dx(x)
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
real(dp) :: base, low, center, width
base = 0.15_dp
low = 0.01_dp
center = 0.5_dp
width = 0.2_dp
gaussian_dx = base - (base - low) * exp(-(x - center)**2 / (2.0_dp * width))
end function gaussian_dx
Note that the function is placed outside the user_defined_eq
Using variables
Legolas uses a dedicated module which contains a multitude of variables that you can use in your setups. For a comprehensive list we refer to this page, an example is given below.
submodule (mod_equilibrium) smod_user_defined
use mod_equilibrium_params, only: alpha, beta, p1
implicit none
module procedure user_defined_eq
if (settings%equilibrium%use_defaults) then
k2 = 0.0_dp
k3 = 1.0_dp
alpha = 1.0_dp
beta = 5.0_dp
p1 = 1.0_dp / 3.0_dp
end if
end procedure user_defined_eq
end submodule smod_user_defined
This example uses the variables alpha
, beta
and p1
from the list and wraps them in the use_defaults
This means that Legolas will use those values as a default if the corresponding variable is not given in the parfile’s paramlist
Note that all these variables are initialised using NaN
, so you will immediately notice if you forgot to set one.
Setting units
Specifying the unit normalisations can either be done through the parfile (the unitslist
) or in the submodule directly.
Setting units is done by accessing the settings%units
object, take a look at the type-bound procedures here
for an overview of the available options. All units should be in cgs, the units below are the default ones.
module procedure user_defined_eq
call units%set_units_from_temperature( &
unit_length=1.0e9_dp, & ! cm
unit_magneticfield=10.0_dp, & ! Gauss
unit_temperature=1.0e6_dp, & ! K
mean_molecular_weight=0.5_dp & ! optional
end procedure user_defined_eq
Defining the equilibrium configuration
Disclaimer: due to the finite element representation used by Legolas the equilibrium profiles (or their derivatives) do not have to be continuous. Do note though that smooth, continuous profiles give the best results, and you should try to achieve this as much as possible. Instead of a discontinuity you can try to connect different regions with a smooth sine or hyperbolic tangent profile. This is not at all required and Legolas will run just fine with strong jumps or gradients, but know that this may lead to artifacts in the eigenfunctions and/or spectrum.
Setting the actual equilibrium configuration is done by calling the corresponding type-bound procedure of the background
object, and provide a function.
All background functions take either no arguments, or a single real(dp)
scalar argument indicating position. The example below sets a homogeneous $\rho_0$ profile and a position-dependent $T_0$ and $v_y$ profile.
For a full overview of the available background functions see here, or take a look at all the various
pre-implemented equilibria here.
submodule (mod_equilibrium) smod_user_defined
use mod_equilibrium_params, only: alpha
implicit none
module procedure user_defined_eq
call settings%grid%set_geometry("Cartesian")
call settings%grid%set_grid_boundaries(0.0_dp, 1.0_dp)
alpha = 1.0_dp
k2 = 0.0_dp
k3 = 1.0_dp
! Note: functions that are not set are automatically set to zero.
call background%set_density_funcs(rho0_func=rho0)
! dT0 denotes derivative with respect to position
call background%set_temperature_funcs(T0_func=T0, dT0_func=dT0)
call background%set_velocity_2_funcs(v02_func=v02, dv02_func=dv02, ddv02_func=ddv02)
end procedure user_defined_eq
real(dp) function rho0()
rho0 = alpha
end function rho0
real(dp) function v02(x)
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
v02 = 2.0_dp * x**2
end function v02
real(dp) function dv02(x)
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
dv02 = 4.0_dp * x
end function dv02
real(dp) function ddv02()
ddv02 = 4.0_dp
end function ddv02
real(dp) function T0(x)
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
T0 = x
end function T0
real(dp) function dT0()
dT0 = 1.0_dp
end function dT0
end submodule smod_user_defined
Note that you can specify variables in module scope (like alpha
in the example above) and use them in the background functions.
Tip: to make sure your implementation is in order you can first run without solving the eigenvalue problem by setting solver = "none"
in the solvelist
You can then plot the equilibrium profiles using Pylbo.
Including additional physics
Enabling physics can be done either through the parfile, or in the submodule directly.
In case of the latter this is done by accessing the corresponding type-bound procedures in the settings%physics
for a full overview see here.
Below is an overview of the options for resistivity:
! activate temperature-dependent resistivity (Spitzer)
call settings%physics%enable_resistivity()
! OR set resistivity to a constant value
call settings%physics%enable_resistivity(fixed_resistivity_value=0.0001_dp)
! additionally you can specify a dropoff profile
settings%physics%resistivity%use_dropoff = .true.
settings%physics%dropoff_edge_dist = 0.05_dp
settings%physics%dropoff_width = 0.2_dp
For a user-defined resistivity implementation you can repoint the corresponding function in the physics
object, see here for more info.
This is exactly the same as for the background functions, see an example below.
submodule (mod_equilibrium) smod_user_defined
use mod_equilibrium_params, only: alpha
implicit none
module procedure user_defined_eq
call background%set_temperature_funcs(T0_func=T0, dT0_func=dT0)
call physics%set_resistivity_funcs(eta_func=eta, detadT_func=detadT)
end procedure user_defined_eq
real(dp) function T0(x)
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
T0 = x
end function T0
real(dp) function dT0()
dT0 = 1.0_dp
end function dT0
real(dp) function eta(x)
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
eta = T0(x)**(5.0_dp / 2.0_dp)
end function eta
real(dp) function detadT(x)
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
detadT = (5.0_dp / 2.0_dp) * T0(x)**(3.0_dp / 2.0_dp)
end function detadT
end submodule smod_user_defined
Note that you can always define module-scope variables, set them in the user_defined_eq
procedure, and use them in the various functions.
Thermal conduction
Thermal conduction parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field lines is treated separately. In the absence of a magnetic field (hydrodynamics) perpendicular conduction uses the same functions as parallel conduction (isotropic).
! activate parallel Spitzer conductivity
call settings%physics%enable_parallel_conduction()
! activate perpendicular Spitzer conductivity
call settings%physics%enable_perpendicular_conduction()
! OR set conduction to a constant value
call settings%physics%enable_parallel_conduction(fixed_tc_para_value=0.0001_dp)
call settings%physics%enable_perpendicular_conduction(fixed_tc_perp_value=0.0001_dp)
Both the parallel and perpendicular conduction functions can be user-defined as well using these type-bound procedures.
Radiative cooling and heating
To have an equilibrium in thermal balance you should enable heating and leave the force_thermal_balance
option to .true.
This will automatically set the heating in such a way that the thermal balance equation is satisfied.
To run the code outside of thermal balance you can set this flag to false.
call settings%physics%enable_cooling(cooling_curve="jc_corona")
! to achieve thermal balance, enable heating
call settings%physics%enable_heating(force_thermal_balance=.true.)
Both cooling and heating can be user-specified using these type-bound procedures.
call settings%physics%enable_flow()
External gravity
Enable gravity and specify the gravity function to be used.
submodule (mod_equilibrium) smod_user_defined
implicit none
module procedure user_defined_eq
call settings%physics%enable_gravity()
call physics%set_gravity_funcs(g0_func=g0)
end procedure user_defined_eq
real(dp) function g0(x)
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
g0 = 1.0_dp / x**2
end function g0
end submodule smod_user_defined
call settings%physics%enable_viscosity(viscosity_value=0.0001_dp, viscous_heating=.false.)
Viscosity uses a constant value and does not accept a user-defined function.
Hall MHD
call settings%physics%enable_hall(electron_inertia=.true., electron_fraction=0.5_dp)
! with optional dropoff profile in the hall factor
settings%physics%hall%use_dropoff = .true.
! with optional dropoff profile in the electron inertia
settings%physics%dropoff_edge_dist = 0.05_dp
settings%physics%dropoff_width = 0.2_dp
The Hall treatment is fixed and does not accept user-defined functions.