Pre-implemented equilibria
For a complete list of implemented equilibria we refer to the Legolas docs, more specifically
all descendants of the mod_equilibrium
module. These all follow the naming convention smod_equil_*
(“submodule equilibrium”).
You can take a look at the documentation of every submodule for information on default parameters, which ones you can vary and where
they comes from. Below we give a small overview of which equilibria are implemented together with the default included
physical effects, and links to the source docs.
- Adiabatic homogeneous medium: Cartesian, adiabatic
equilibrium_type = "adiabatic_homo"
- Constant axial current: cylindrical, adiabatic
equilibrium_type = "constant_current_tokamak"
- Couette flow: Cartesian, flow, viscosity
equilibrium_type = "couette_flow"
- Discrete Alfvén waves: cylindrical, radiative cooling, parallel thermal conduction
equilibrium_type = "discrete_alfven"
- Gold Hoyle: cylindrical, radiative cooling, parallel thermal conduction
equilibrium_type = "gold_hoyle"
- Gravito acoustic waves: Cartesian, hydrodynamic, external gravity
equilibrium_type = "gravito_acoustic"
- Gravito MHD waves: Cartesian, external gravity
equilibrium_type = "gravito_mhd"
- Harris sheet with tearing modes: Cartesian, resistive
equilibrium_type = "harris_sheet"
- Flux tube under coronal conditions: cylindrical, adiabatic
equilibrium_type = "coronal_flux_tube"
- Flux tube under photospheric conditions: cylindrical, adiabatic
equilibrium_type = "photospheric_flux_tube"
- Interchange modes: cylindrical, external gravity
equilibrium_type = "interchange_modes"
- Internal kink modes in a force-free magnetic field: cylindrical, flow
equilibrium_type = "internal_kink"
- Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities: Cartesian, hydrodynamic, flow
equilibrium_type = "kelvin_helmholtz"
- Kelvin-Helmholtz current-driven instabilities: cylindrical, flow
equilibrium_type = "kelvin_helmholtz_cd"
- Magneto-rotational instabilities: cylindrical (accretion disk), flow, external gravity
equilibrium_type = "MRI_accretion"
- Magnetothermal instabilities: cylindrical, radiative cooling, parallel thermal conduction
equilibrium_type = "magnetothermal_instabilities"
- Numerical setup: imports user data from a file generated with pylbo. See here
equilibrium_type = "numerical"
- Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities: Cartesian, flow, external gravity
equilibrium_type = "rayleigh_taylor"
- Rayleigh-Taylor + Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities: Cartesian, flow, external gravity
equilibrium_type = "RTI_KHI"
- Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities in a rotating theta-pinch: cylindrical, flow
equilibrium_type = "RTI_theta_pinch"
- Resistive homogeneous medium: Cartesian, constant resistivity
equilibrium_type = "resistive_homo"
- Resistive tearing modes: Cartesian, constant resistivity
equilibrium_type = "resistive_tearing"
- Resistive tearing modes with flow: Cartesian, flow, constant resistivity
equilibrium_type = "resistive_tearing_flow"
- Resonant absorption: Cartesian, constant resistivity
equilibrium_type = "resonant_absorption"
- Rotating plasma cylinder: cylindrical, flow
equilibrium_type = "rotating_plasma_cylinder"
- Stratified solar magnetic atmosphere: Cartesian, adiabatic
equilibrium_type = "isothermal_atmosphere"
- Suydam cluster modes: cylindrical, flow
equilibrium_type = "suydam_cluster"
- Taylor-Couette fluid: cylindrical (coaxial), hydrodynamic, flow, viscosity
equilibrium_type = "taylor_couette"
- Taylor-Couette plasma: cylindrical (coaxial), flow, constant resistivity, viscosity
equilibrium_type = "tc_pinch"