Returns the (x, y) coordinates of a given artist. |
Module Contents
- pylbo.visualisation.eigenfunctions.eigfunc_interface.get_artist_data(artist: matplotlib.pyplot.Artist) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]
Returns the (x, y) coordinates of a given artist.
- class pylbo.visualisation.eigenfunctions.eigfunc_interface.EigenfunctionInterface(data, axis, spec_axis)
- data
- axis
- spec_axis
- _selected_idxs
- _use_real_part = True
- _selected_name_idx = 0
- _function_names
- _retransform = False
- _condition_to_make_transparent = None
- _transparent_data = False
- _unmarked_alpha = None
- _ef_subset_artists = None
- _draw_resonances = False
- savedir = None
- _check_data_is_present()
Checks if the required data is present to draw for example eigenfunctions, is overloaded in subclasses.
- _artist_has_valid_attributes(event)
Checks if a given event has valid attributes, this prevents triggering the interface when clicking on legend items, for example.
- _clear_figure_and_selection()
Clears the current figure, clears the dictionary of selected eigenvalues.
- _switch_real_and_imaginary_part()
Switches between the real and imaginary part of a given function.
- _select_next_function()
Increments the index of the currently selected function by 1.
- _select_previous_function()
Decrements the index of the currently selected function by 1.
- _retransform_functions()
Toggles a retransform of a function, for example an eigenfunction \(v_r \leftrightarrow rv_r\)”
- _print_selected_eigenvalues()
Prints all selected eigenvalues to the console as an array.
- _save_eigenvalue_selection()
Saves all selected eigenvalues and their eigenfunctions as a list of dictionaries in a .npy file. Files can be loaded with the numpy load function.
- _save_selection_indices()
Saves the indices of all selected eigenvalues as an array in a .npy file. Files can be loaded with the numpy load function.
- _print_nzeroes()
Counts and prints the number of zeroes of the eigenfunctions for all selected eigenvalues on the plot, together with eigvals.
- _get_label(ds, ev_idx, w)
Returns the label used in the legend. In case of a data series, the datfile name is prepended.
- Parameters:
ds (LegolasDataSet) – The current dataset
ev_idx (int) – The index of the current eigenvalue in the corresponding array
- Returns:
The label to use in the legend.
- Return type:
- abstract _get_title()
Creates the title of a given plot, has to be overridden in a subclass.
- get_selected_idxs() dict[pylbo.data_containers.LegolasDataContainer, dict[int, matplotlib.pyplot.Artist]]
- abstract update_plot()
Updates the plot when an event is triggered, clears and then redraws the functions. Rescaling of the axes is done automatically. Has to be overridden in a subclass.
- on_point_pick(event)
Determines what happens when an eigenvalue is clicked.
- Parameters:
event (PickEvent) – The pick event.
- on_key_press(event)
Determines what happens when a key is pressed.
- Parameters:
event (KeyEvent) – The key event.
- on_left_click(event)
Determines what happens when left-clicking an eigenvalue.
- Parameters:
event (PickEvent) – The pick event.
- on_right_click(event)
Determines what happens when right-clicking an eigenvalue.
- Parameters:
event (PickEvent) – The pick event.
- _get_clicked_point_data(event)
Retrieves the index (in the eigenvalue array), x data coordinate and y data coordinate of the eigenvalue nearest to the clicked point.
- Parameters:
event (PickEvent) – The pick event.
- Returns:
idx (integer) – The index of the selected point in the eigenvalue array
xdata (float) – The x data coordinate of the selected eigenvalue
ydata (float) – The y data coordinate of the selected eigenvalue
- _selected_point_has_eigenfunctions(ds, idx)
Checks if the selected index has eigenfunctions associated with it, in the case of for example eigenfunction subsets this is not guaranteed.
- Parameters:
ds (LegolasDataSet) – The dataset associated with the given eigenvalue index
idx (int) – The index of the selected eigenvalue
- Returns:
Returns True if idx corresponds to an eigenvalue with eigenfunctions, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- _toggle_eigenfunction_subset_radius()
- _mark_points_without_data_written()
For dataseries, it is possible that not all datasets in the series have eigenfunctions associated with them. This routine will toggle a change in the opacity value for datapoints with no functions, so they are clearly distinguishable from those who do have them.
- _display_tooltip()
- _invert_continua(ds, ev_idx)
Calculates the locations of resonance with the continua for a specific eigenmode.
- Parameters:
ef_idx (int) – The number of the eigenvalue in the dataset.
- Returns:
r_inv (dict) – Dictionary of continua names and inverted resonance locations (float, or None if not in domain).
labels (dict) – Dictionary containing the corresponding labels to be printed when drawing the locations of resonance.
- _show_resonances(ds, ev_idx, color)
Shows the locations of resonance with the continua. There is a different linestyle for every continuum.